If you owe creditors more money than you are able to pay, then bankruptcy is certainly an option for you to consider. One main objective of our federal bankruptcy laws is to provide you with a release and a discharge from your debts. For some, that discharge completely wipes away all obligations to pay, as with a Chapter 7 Liquidation. For others, discharge comes with the last payment in a court-approved plan, often for pennies on the dollar, under a Reorganization through Chapter 11 or Chapter 13.
Under the leadership of the founder and managing partner, our firm helps people get the protection and debt relief they need under federal bankruptcy laws. With so much at stake — your property, your business, and your future — you need a qualified and experienced bankruptcy attorney to match the right chapter to your unique situation. We can help you resolve your debt problems, giving you a new financial beginning.
You may be wondering which chapter is best, knowing you need protection from the creditors that hound you day in and day out, and relief from the debts that are overwhelming you and your family.
First, each chapter serves a purpose. Selecting the most beneficial chapter requires a close examination of your unique financial circumstances.
Second, each chapter has precise requirements. When an individual doesn’t meet the specified criteria under a particular chapter, then relief under that chapter may not be available or may not be fully advantageous. Everyone’s situation is different — when it comes to bankruptcy, one size does not fit all!
FREE Arizona Bankruptcy Consultation. Reach out for help and contact us. We will schedule a no-cost, no-obligation consultation for you. Affordable Rates. We offer you outstanding debt relief services at reasonable rates that you can truly afford. When you meet with the bankruptcy legal team at the Arizona Bankruptcy and Debt Solutions Team we will explain the fees and costs involved with each chapter, based on your unique circumstances. There will be no hidden or surprise fees!
Manageable Payment Plans. We understand that you may have difficulty paying for the entire bankruptcy at once. We offer reasonable, very manageable payment plans as part of our pre-bankruptcy planning service. Once you are paid in full, we can move forward swiftly and efficiently with your bankruptcy filing.
Arizona Bankruptcy and Debt Solutions
4365 E Pecos Rd Ste 138, Gilbert, AZ 85295
(602) 888-2188
We’re open 24/7.
For additional questions, you can call us at 6028882188 or you can find us on Marketwatch.
Filing for bankruptcy isn’t the right solution for everyone. The determination of whether or not bankruptcy is an appropriate debt relief solution for your will be made based on a number of factors including the type and total level of your debt. Use this form to schedule an appointment with one of our bankruptcy attorneys. The consultation is completely free and there is no obligation.